Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead DJ Hustle

Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead

In what New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called an “cowardly act of terror,” a man driving a rental truck struck and killed eight individuals on a bicycle way Tuesday evening.

Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead DJ Hustle
Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead DJ Hustle

The sprawling wrongdoing scene keeps running around 10 hinders along the West Side Highway, a block far from One World Trade Center.

Witness Andrew Howell said he was strolling along the way when he saw a truck drove into two cyclists riding around 20 feet before him; he said the effect sent one of the casualties straight up into the air, and the man was not moving when he arrived back on the ground. The driver then proceeded at a rapid before crashing, Howell said.

Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead DJ Hustle

A uniformed police officer was credited with stopping the carnage.

A suspect is in custody and was identified as 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov of Tampa, Florida, multiple law enforcement officials told ABC News.

The suspect is accounted for to have shouted “Allahu Akbar” after the crash, and that is a key reason experts are looking at terrorism as a possible motive, sources said.

Truck Plows Into People In New York City 8 Dead DJ Hustle

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said there was no confirmation of a more extensive, progressing risk however he said more police would screen the boulevards on Halloween night. The city’s yearly Halloween parade in the West Village will even now occur today around evening time, authorities said. DJ Hustle