HustleTV Hustler Of The Week DJ Hustle

HustleTV Hustler Of The Week

1) Will Heck , please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

In order to get where I am today, it took a lot of trial and error. I ventured into dancing, acting and sports trying to find what I felt was my calling. Trying to ignore the fact that music has and always will be a huge part of my life. There’s so many experiences, so many aspects of storytelling that you can create by writing or making a song, that’s what grabbed me. I gained a lot of confidence thru the past experiences, allowing me to truly just be myself when I make the music. I work just as hard as I want those around me to, because I believe in myself. 

HustleTV Hustler Of The Week

In this life we are chasing after, you have to believe in yourself but also have to be solid with who you are. Don’t be scared to stand your ground. It took me a minute to get there, but now that I’m here. I think that I’ll be just fine. The sky is the limit.

2) Has it been a smooth road? 

No road is ever smooth, but you can make the path shape into whatever you’d like. I always try to keep the same approach, but am able to sit back, watch and adapt when needed. There are setbacks, but nothing that’s worth it is going to be easy. If it was, then you wouldn’t want it nearly as bad.

3) How do you think the hip hop industry will change over the next decade?

 I think the hip hop industry is always changing. In the next decade, I think there’s going to be so many sounds blending with others. As artists, we’re all trying to create something special, something truly unique. Whether you take parts of rap and fuse it with rock, or what have you. I think the industry is changing by means of accessibility for sure. We can manage our own careers on our phones, and monitor our streams and all that.

HustleTV Hustler Of The Week DJ Hustle

4) What else should our readers know about you?

 The readers should know that I work hard to give them all the best of myself. I want to give them something to get hype to, but something that’s relatable. I don’t ever want to have to lie in my music. I started as a poet, I love to write, so I’m always doing research for songs and trying to approach things in ways that can help me grow.

5) Who has played a meaningful role in your life?

My father and my grandmother both have equally played a huge part in my life. My grandmother taught me to be patient, and put my heart into what I do. But to also do it with kindness and never be afraid to help others. My father showed me that any opportunity is yours, you just have to buckle down and take it. He used his platform as a teacher and a musician to create opportunities for others, and I admire that immensely. HustleTV Hustler of the week are you next to be featured?

Social Media:Instagram/Twitter/SoundCloud: @SupermanWill24Spotify and Apple Music: Will Heck