HustleTV May We Never ForgetDJ Hustle

May We Never Forget

Written By Ryan Jansen

September 11th marks the anniversary of the greatest terrorist attacks that were ever implemented on American soil.  It was the year of 2001 that would shake our great country to the core and force us to carry on in the face of utter turmoil.  As we cast a glimpse back on nineteen years that have past us, let us not forget what has happened.  More importantly let us rejoice in how we have convalesced.  Let us find comfort in what we have learned!

HustleTV May We Never Forget DJ Hustle

The devastation and unrest that such a tragedy leaves in its wake is obvious.  History books will forever reveal the negative impact that such actions have done to a free nation.  Nevertheless, what the history books may fail to praise is the good that the American people managed to manifest in the face of evil and calamity. 

  Yes, it would be faith, love of neighbor and pride that would prove in the end to prevail over evil!  In my personal life and within my community, I witnessed individuals growing deeper in relationship with friends, I watched the masses reignite the flame of their faith and I became increasingly grateful for what I had.  Through such a time, myself and others were awoken to the fact that life is fragile and that we are not indestructible. 

HustleTV May We Never Forget

 As we lived on through adversity, we realized how important it is to stick together, that we shouldn’t take things for granted and we were awoken to the fact that difficulty and despair often leave the door open for a chance to be a light in our community.  It was once said that “when tough times come, true friends will surface, and the phony will dissipate”.  Magic Johnson once quoted, “it is when we face a crisis that we know who our true friends are”.  For those who were personally affected, September 11th, 2001 provided an answer as to what true companionship is about.

May We Never Forget

Tragedy often forces one to reflect on questions.  Our answers to such questions will determine our perception as we move forward. Will we allow hateful acts to go unanswered or will we fight back with conformity and well-intended action?  Will we come together and recognize what is important or will we choose to be oblivious? Have we forgotten?

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HustleTV May We Never Forget.