HustleTV-Patricia-Torres-Hustler-Of-The-week DJ Hustle

Patricia Torres Hustler Of The week

1) Patty: please share your story with us about your background. How did you get to where you are today?

My name is Patricia Torres, I was born and raised in Costa Rica.  I had a happy childhood full of dreams always been a big dreamer.  I came to California when I was 9 years old.  I adapted easy but leaving all behind was hard.  

Patricia Torres Hustler Of The week

I enjoy talking to people, helping others and being resourceful.  I love working under pressure, organizing everything, being creative and coming up with new ideas that’s why I love being a Publicist and doing Marketing.

I went to College and study marketing and management, but I ended up being a medical assistant because I felt closed to people and loved helping others.  Being in the medical field for 10 years open many doors for me I learned so much and grew professionally, but I always felt like I was meant to be more.

I quit my job and started doing eyelashes.  I knew a lot of friends that were influencers, models and artist so I used them to help me promote my new business.  Little did I know my new beauty venture was not going to last long.  Someone I knew told me they liked my idea of doing interviews to my clients while they were getting beauty services and thought I should meet this big promoter in LA name Bobby Dee.  He said he had the best concerts but lacked having social media content, backstage coverage and more.  I never hear of Bobby, but I saw his concert flyers and he had best line ups. 

Hustler Of The week

2) Being publicist has it been difficult for you staying up late long hours with demanding clients? 

Yes, I have stayed up working late not because they are demanding because the project is long or requires a lot of attention.  Clients get demanding at the beginning because they are voicing their needs and wants, that’s a good thing.

3) Who has played a meaningful role in your life?

My father.  He is always been a business man and about the hustle.  That’s where I got it from.  The drive and motivation to not stop knowing I’m able to do anything I want.

4) Covid -19 how has it changed your life?

Absolutely, no live shows and events.  I mainly work in the music industry not having an aundience and artist preformed has been the hardest.On a personal level I dedicated time to myself and kids.  I’m a better version of myself.

Hustler Of The week

5) What are your future plans continue to grow as a PR?

 Finding creative ways for my clients to shine during this pandemic utilizing the tools we have now.  I want to expamd my clients not only artist but companies in the beauty and food industry.

6) What’s some good advice to someone who’s looking to be a publicist like you?

 Make sure your doing because you are passion it and have fun.  Always ask questions don’t assume, respect other publicist.  Don’t give up the sun shines for everyone.

7) What else should our readers know about you?

The person that was supposed to introduce me with Bobby never came through.  One day on my Facebook page the mutual friends list came up and Bobby Dee’s name popped up.  I send him a friend request and when he accepted me, I send him a message requesting for a meeting with him.  He accepted to meet at his office, and I told him my vision for his company, and he trusted me with open arms with every single thing I put on the table.  I started as his backstage host, then social media manager, then his publicist.  Now I am his right and left hand for Bobby Dee Presents and Uncle Snoops Army.

Hustler Of The week

I have grown so much as a Publicist.  I deal with many concert venues in different states, media outlets and artist management.  Representing a company and building a reputation takes hard work.  I had met so many legends in the music industry.  In November of 2019 I did the press conference of Snoop Dogg’s album “I Wanna Thank Me” with my now business partner Barbara Sanchez.  She is also an amazing Publicist and aside from my job with Bobby we do PR services for other companies and artists.

Aside from being a Publicist I manage social media accounts, do brand development and marketing for Bobby Dee Presents and other companies.  Branding is so important creating something new that people like, having excellent customer service, reputation and logo the list goes on.  I’m very passionate about every project I take on.  Anyone starting their career in PR I will tell them to make sure they enjoy what they do, network a lot, be nice to everyone even when they are not to you, always be on time, respect the vision of your client needs, deliver what you say you are going to do.

Hustler Of The week

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