HustleTV lil Rob Hustler of The week DJ Hustle

lil Rob Hustler of The week

1)lil Rob , please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

  Hard work and dedication will get you whatever you want, I’ve used this to get to where I’m at today in comedy, of course I had to work, not only writing but also performing and not only paid gigs I also would do guest spots and from time to time open mics just practice my craft or try out new jokes.

lil Rob Hustler of The week

2) Has comedy been an easy road?

  No road in life is ever easy, specially in the entertainment business you not only have to work at being the best or as close as you can get to being the best to get noticed, you have to make noise to get the attention of other comics, bookers, producers and of course comedy clubs owners, managers and bookers. If you’re lucky even Hollywood will come calling.

3) How do you think the Comedy industry will change over the next decade?

  I’m not sure it will change much but I do hope it gets better, this pandemic has really put a dent in comedians pay, less people in attendance means less money to pay comics. Right around the time I started comedy the pay was great, it’s not bad now if you can find a gig, but it was better before. Now if you want to make money you have to get on the road and hope that the pay hasn’t dropped as much and hope that Clubs, Casinos, Colleges are still able to have a nice budget to be able to pay comics well.

lil Rob Hustler of The week

4) Do comedians help each other?

For the most part comedians do help each other out, but unfortunately there are comic groups that only stay within their group but expect other to help when they won’t.

5) How has Covid-19 change the way you do comedy 

When Covid-19 hit it really slowed my comedy career down 3 months of bookings slowly started canceling, just when I had done the comedy project for Feeding America with Tommy Davidson and Eric Blake, a project for Byron Allen that was aired on NBC, The Weather Channel and other Media outlets, I thought I was going to be able to capitalize on this but unfortunately the pandemic had other plans.

lil Rob Hustler of The week

 6) Who has played a meaningful role in your life?

  Of course the support of my family has helped and played a big role, in comedy I would have to give credit to my friend that introduced me to stand up comedy and introduced me to many comics that had already travel the road that was ahead of me and showed me the way, as friends they also helped me climb the ranks of comedy.

7) What else should our readers know about you?

  I fell in love with the stage at the age of 5, when I recited a 2 page poem from memory for mothers day and nailed it. I performed in front of my school mates and their families. 

lil Rob Hustler of The week

Fast forward to the age of 13 when I learned Poppin (street dance) and started to perform in front of crowds at different events the love for the stage was still there. At the age of 14 I was introduced to the turntables and found it fascinating and learned how to Dj and another love was born, so from being a Popper a Mobile Dj the transition to being a Stand Up comic was easy for me.

I thank Comedy and all the comics that have helped me along the way in my comedy career, I never thought that after seeing some of my favorite comics on tv I would have the honor and be performing with them on the same stage. I never thought that I would perform to a crowd of over 3000 with my favorite radio personality Big Boy of 92.3. 

lil Rob Hustler of The week

With a lot of hard work and dedication I have been blessed with many opportunities to help grow my passion for comedy.

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We also provide red carpet hosting services as guests walk into your event one of our hosts will interview the guest. Photographyis one of our services feel free to contact at anytime 24 hours a day. Follow Lil Rob on Social Media links below.

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