Barbra Sanchez Hustler Of The Week

1) Barbra , please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

I got to where I am today through a lot of hard work. I had to put in a lot of work to learn the industry and make myself known as a professional. In the early stages, we didn’t have social media, so I had to go out to make new contacts and network. I would have to attend multiple events per day. It was definitely trying, but it comes with great rewards. I have clients who are more than that; they’re family. 

Barbra Sanchez Hustler Of The Week

2) Has it been a smooth road being an entrepreneur and a Latina in the world of public relations? 

No, I would not say it’s been a smooth road. For one, as an entrepreneur, you’re already faced with challenges. You have to work harder to make things happen. As a Latina, I found myself having to prove myself for deals and clients. There was this stigma of if you didn’t look or talk a certain way, then you’re not good enough for certain clients or events. I just let my work and track record speak for itself.

3) As a social activist, tell our reader what you support?

I support any cause that fights for the injustice of others. I am huge in domestic violence advocacy. As a survivor myself, I want to do whatever I can to end the dangerous cycle. I’ve worked with The Bella Foundation to become that difference in someone’s life and letting them know you can leave your current situation and have my support. I support The United Farm Workers too. The farmworkers are out here in the valley, working hard to provide for their families, and they need more appreciation in that field. I support Black Lives Matter and will continue to fight for equality for all. Voter rights are important and everyone register to vote in this upcoming election.

HustleTV Barbra Sanchez Hustler Of The Week

4) Who has played a meaningful role in your life?

My children Jacob and Allen play a meaningful role in my life. Everything I do, every long night is for them. I want them to have a better life than I did. My parents are also big in my life. They’ve been there for me through all of my failures and successes. 

5) What else should our readers know about you?

The readers should know that I have compassion and support for everyone. I believe that everyone can succeed. If I can do it, you can. There’s enough for everyone to eat from the same table. 

6) What advice would you give a young activist? 

Empower and inspire others. You have the key in your hand, take it and continue to unlock new paths. Never give up. There will be people in your ear or your face that will try to knock you down or stop your journey, but keep going. Those are the very people we’re here to change. You got this. Barbra Sanchez Hustler Of The Week

7) Walk us through the daily life of a PR when you first start with a new client? 

First, there’s a phone call to screen if it’s someone I want to accept as a client. I keep my client list very exclusive. After the screening, we create a PR proposal and budget for the client, depending on their wants and needs. Once everything is good and the client agrees, we draft the contract. Once we close the contract, I assign the client to different team members’ attention. 

We also provide red carpet hosting services as guests walk into your event one of our hosts will interview the guest. Photography is one of our services feel free to contact at anytime 24 hours a day.

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