What’s It Like to Be a Woman

What’s It Like to Be a Woman

Written by Zaina Cummins

To me, being a woman entails building meaningful relationships, to support other women and to always challenge society’s limitations of what my gender can accomplish,” said first-year MAPC student, Martine Bergh. 

Every year in the month of March, women are honored all around the world. March 9th has been globally recognized as International Women’s Day, and the entire month of March is Women’s History Month.

What’s It Like to Be a Woman

Women’s History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. 

Women are the backbone of society. We nurture, we create, we build, we love like no other.

For centuries, women have been fighting for love, for jobs, for fairness, for equality. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a woman in modern day? A woman in a society full of double standards?

To be a woman is being doubted by your abilities based on the clothes you wear, the style of your hair, the tone of your voice, the way you carry your purse and most importantly the way you carry yourself.

To be a woman is to be afraid to walk down the street at night because you fear of being taken away. To be a woman is going through monthly pains to produce the most precious life. To be a woman is to be looked at by men beyond your age limit because of the shirt you decided to wear on a Tuesday morning. To be a woman is being forced to cover up because it is enforced by your country. To be a woman is being denied jobs just because you are a woman. To be a woman is to never be too careful. To be a woman is to have society tell you what to do with your body. 

What’s It Like to Be a Woman

The list can go on. But despite the turmoil and the daily challenges listed, to be a woman is still the most beautiful thing on this planet. 

To be a woman is to be beautiful, caring, strong, nurturing, courageous, a mother, a lover, an advisor, a counselor, and most of all human. 

“Being born a girl in a conservative Indian family is challenging,” said first-year MAPC student Mahima Seth. “I’ve always got to hear that I have to behave myself. As I grew up, I was told I should learn how to cook so that when I get married, I could cook for my family. In simple words, I was told I had to do everything for everyone except myself. But there was an exception, my mother. She always encouraged me to break these patriarchal barriers and never stopped me from my education or work. So in other words, to be a woman is to be proud, and a proud woman I am. A proud woman who lives for herself and not for others,” Seth said. 

Despite the great geographical disparities of women all over the world, we still all want the same thing: equality. Women have been fighting for equality all over the world since July of 1848, where the first attempt to organize a national movement for women’s rights occurred in Seneca Falls, New York. 

There is no hood like womanhood. To have millions of unknown sisters who go through the same things as you. Having a mother with the strength of a bull and the advice of a therapist. Being surrounded by women who inspire. There is beauty in it all. 

What’s It Like to Be a Woman

“I’ve been blessed to learn from strong women to lead with heart, act with compassion and never, ever give up,” said Donna Uchida, University of San Francisco MAPC Program Director. “Looking back, I would tell my younger self to work to live rather than live to work, but I’ve enjoyed the journey and had phenomenal career experiences. I live in the present and look to the future with great joy,” said Uchida. 

So, what’s it like to be a woman you ask? Beautiful.

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